
The pioneer returnees of Ephraim are beginning to awaken to their identities as Israel, and to their brotherhood with Judah that was cut asunder when Ephraim was exiled from the Land, (Zech. 11:14).   To back the professing of our revealed identities, we need to talk to Judah with our actions and not with our words.  Our actions will reveal the resonance of our heart to the call of the hearts of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, (Mal. 3:24).  

          Some Practical reasons

Why Returning Ephraimites Should Support Judah

in the land


By G-d’s merciful grace, the initial returnees from the northern House of Israel, exiled in 721 BCE, have just recently begun to be awakened to their forgotten identities.  They have not taken part in the labors, sacrifices and battles of Judah, who has secured a foothold for  independence in the Land, known since 1948 as the State of Israel.  Though they are divided among themselves, most of the few pioneers of the Ten Tribes have a burning desire to realize some kind of helping relationship with their brethren in the Land.  Various ideas of cooperation are being advanced by their fledgling organizations that these early returnees are forming.  They are all addressing this conundrum with various propositions and plans.  The bottom line to all these hopeful plans and initiatives is to help Judah in the Land of Israel in some meaningful and significant ways.  


Some are undecided on the method of helping, and some do not know if they should help or whom to help.  They ask, “Why should early Ephraimites support Israel?”  Shaar-Israel offers some practical reasons as well as a means for the initial returnees of Ephraim to help Judah in the Land:


We all know that Judah and Ephraim should all be together in the Land.  Eventually we will be there, but for various serious reasons this is not possible now.  Neither is it advisable for most of the few Ephraimites to settle in the Land at this time.  What is advisable is to realize that their Jewish brothers and sisters who have made aliyah are preparing the way for others and therefore they should be helped by those who are not there yet.  The State of Israel that they founded at great sacrifice represents the beginning ingathering of Judah who in turn is preparing the way for the rest of the Israelites, the exiled and so-called Ten Tribes.


Judah at the present is valiantly holding the Land against surrounding enemies, so that Jews can actualize themselves and regain their strength and self-respect that was damaged and weakened in the Holocaust.  They are also our representatives who till the  Land and defend it with their blood.  They have made the State of Israel to be the visible catalyst for Israelite consciousness for all the Tribes. Therefore, all returnees of “Joseph, and his companions,” who feel an innate Israelite ancestry, can give expression to their newly revealed identity by supporting Judah in the Land, (Ez. 37:16).


Shaar-Israel invites all returnees to take part in Shaar-Israel’s group efforts with  projects to help Judah in the Land.  If you feel a calling on your life to be a pioneer Israelite returnee from the Valley of Dry Bones, and you want to help Judah, read more.


This article is based on a recorded lecture by Yair Davidy, on Why We Need to Support the State of Israel.  It  may be heard at: 

For additional reading on “Why The State of Israel Should be Supported,” see:

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