
This page contains ways to contact Shaar-Israel.  Please note the caveat before signing up.   We will  not  hold you  to promises made or demand support.   The promises are between you as a part of the "remnant" and God.  We assume that by signing up, you identify with principles put forth on this site and intend to be part of the Work of  EliYah in the latter days.  Please note that we are not maintaining that Shaar-Israel is the only manifestation of the Work of God. We hope, that by His mercies we, and all who join here can fulfill our calling to be part of that Work which He sees fit to apportion to each and every one of us.

 To sign up for notifications and updates from Shaar-Israel, please fill out the form below. The reason we ask for a name, is because by giving your name, you are affirming that you have

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      Shaar-Israel does not share mailing lists with any other organization.