PR Index
This section is about articles that are based on PRs received by members of
the Fellowship of Gathering Israel.
For definition of what a
PR is, please read the definition of and introduction to PRs and a primary example of it at the Prayer section of this website:

Introduction to the List of PR Articles  acknowledges that Divine Guidance is to be received through GOD’s directive and animating force of God’s holy Spirit / Ruach haKodesh, as pictured in Ezekiel 3.  We maintain that this Guidance is primarily infused into the fiery letters of the Torah, and by extension into the Writings and the Prophets, (Tanach), GOD's instruction to Israel and the world.  As such, all other valid forms of instruction and Guidance have to be consistent with it. We maintain, that it has not been superseded, nor will be superseded, replaced, diminished or added to in whole or in part by any other written or spoken revelation in this world and existence.

"To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."  — Isa. 8:20 (New KJV)

For this Guidance to be received, Shaar-Israel invites participants in the building the Mishkan of Prayers, which we are hoping and praying will be indwelt by God's holy Spirit, and give us directions as we had received on our trek homeward in the wilderness of old.  Consistent with this prior pattern for obtaining Divine Guidance, Shaar-Israel takes pointers from the challenging message of Elijah and invites readers and members who identify with its message to take the challenge to heart.  That means asking and expecting to receive Divinely-sent instruction to our requests about repentance and other issues on personal and corporate fronts among the returning Ten Tribes.

The following list is dedicated to articles based on PRs received by members of the Fellowship of Gathering Israel:

             Servants are Needed to Work Now

      Turn Us Again O God! 

             179 and the Covenant of Peace

      The Man in the Hospital 

      Essentials for Shabbat Service Gatherings

      Shabbat Basics 

      The Seventh Day of Unleavened Bread Message for 2011: 

     "Get with the Program!"     

 "David as Messiah; a Message to the Tribes about Messianic Expectations for the Latter      Days"

"We Are Called to Be Witnesses"

Vision of the the Fall of Wall Street and the Dollar

An Appointment in Time: 5778

A Pre-Yom Kippur Vision for 2011

            A Cleansing and Re-Orientation for All Recruits

            The Wheat Sheaf of Unity for the Omer-counting Returning Ten Tribes

            The Prime Directive and Order of the Day for the Gathering Ten Tribes

                   Worms in the Shofars - A Tikkun to be Decontaminated 

Prepare to Come Near Now